
Congratulations, you’re pregnant!

During pregnancy, many changes occur in your body. Even if your belly is not yet showing, significant developments are taking place internally. Common symptoms include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Nausea and fatigue
  • Tender breasts
  • Heightened emotional sensitivity

How you feel throughout your pregnancy depends on many factors, including the reactions from those around you. Try not to be too affected by well-meaning advice from others. If you have questions or concerns, you can always reach out to us



To register with us, please contact us during our phone consultation hours. Don’t wait too long to schedule your first appointment, as we have a limited number of slots available each month. Register as soon as possible so we can provide you with essential information and schedule your intake for 10-12 weeks. The midwifery care we provide is covered by your health insurer.


Pregnancy Check-Ups

The first check-up typically occurs around the 10th-12th week of pregnancy. This appointment will last about 45 minutes, as we need to gather detailed information about your health and discuss options for prenatal screening. You can also read more about NIPT and combined tests on the PNS website.

Subsequent check-ups will last about 15 minutes each. On average, you will visit us 12 times during your pregnancy. Please bring your pregnancy card to each visit. We offer ample time for each appointment, adjusted to your needs. There is a child-friendly consultation room with toys, and we welcome children to be involved in the check-ups.


Teen Pregnancy: Support and Information for Young Parents

Are you under 23 and expecting a baby? It’s normal to have many questions and concerns about your pregnancy and the future. At Het Geboorte-atelier, we understand that a young pregnancy comes with unique challenges. We are here to support you with information, advice, and practical help during this special time in your life.


What to Expect During Your Teen Pregnancy

A teen pregnancy may raise questions about your health, baby care, and future plans. Being well-prepared and having the right support is crucial. We offer tailored help and guidance based on your situation and needs.


Our Support and Services

  • Personal Midwifery Care: Our experienced midwives provide care and support throughout your pregnancy and delivery, ensuring you feel heard and supported at every step.
  • Coaching and Emotional Support: We offer coaching to help you manage the emotional and mental aspects of a young pregnancy.
  • Information and Education: We provide valuable information about pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting to ensure you are well-prepared.


Tips and Resources for Young Parents

Navigating a teen pregnancy involves many aspects, and having additional information and tips can be beneficial. For more detailed information and practical advice, we recommend the following resources:

  • Link to Information about Teen Pregnancy: Find comprehensive information and helpful tips for young parents.
  • Support Groups and Networks: Discover networks and groups for young parents where you can share experiences and find support.
  • Reading Tips and Manuals: Check out recommended books and guides on pregnancy and parenting at a young age.

Feel free to contact us if you have questions or need a personal discussion. We are here to support you and assist you through every step of your pregnancy and parenting journey.

Teen pregnancy

Are you younger than 23 years old and pregnant? A lot of information and tips (in Dutch) can be found on these two websites: